Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Day 77

I'm still getting up at 4:30am each morning eventhough I don't have anywhere to go. This morning I got up at 4:30 after going to bed at 7:30pm. That's right, the sun was still up when I went to sleep, which was 9 hours of sleep. I was able to get to the pool by 6:30am and do a quick 30 minute swim and 10 minutes of core work on the side of the pool. Barb was able to join me at the gym where she lifted weights while I got wet. After getting back home, I decided to do a quick 30 minute taper reps and race effor runt. This was done by warming up for about a mile and then race pace 4 x 90 seconds with 3.5 mins of rest inbetween each rep. My pace was under 6:30 mile pace which is what I had been training with, but didnot happened during the race on Sunday. After eating lunch I recovered and did a similar workout on the bike. 4 x 90 seconds at race pace with the same recovery time. I'm still feeling fresh and I have another similar workout scheduled for tomorrow.

In addition, I finally was able to locate a new doctor in my network. I received a letter in December stating that my current doctor was leaving the network. I finally was able to find a new one and I have an appointment for new patients on June 21.

I Just received an email today informing me that I can now arrange my flights to DC for my Physical Best National Committee meeting. I'll be there for 2 nights in August. They informed me that since they are paying for everything that I have to share a room with another person, unless I want to pay half for each night. I plan on paying half since I get up at 4:30am and go to bed by 8 each night. It's hard to change my internal clock and function well the next day. As for NASPE, I'm working everyday for my next training session that is scheduled at the end of June in Miami, Fl. I'm training 2 teachers from Bolivia for 2 days in the Physical Best program and instructional practices. It should be fun training 2 people for a workshop. Usually I train up to 50 participants when I consult, but I'll take 2 people for sure. It's getting close to dinner time with 1300 calories left for the day. I've eaten 1300 already and I have earned and extra 1000 calories from exercise. I have to watch all food intake to ensure that I don't over eat and continue to get down to a good racing weight before the national championships. I made brown rice and a black bean mixture that is so tasty that I make a huge pot for left overs all week long. Low fat and high carbs and protein.

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